I’m thrilled to announce I’ve joined the communications team at Children’s Health-Dallas!

As Clinical Communications Senior Specialist, I’m excited to support the work of a century-old organization that makes life better for children.

I’m highly experienced in several areas of communications: writing, editing (including academic papers), strategic communications, media relations.

  • My portfolio includes writing and editing top-flight articles on a wide variety of topics.
  • I craft and execute communications campaigns that get the results you need.
  • I earned a B.A. in journalism at the University of North Texas, where I was an editor and staff writer for the student newspaper.
  • See my client list.
  • My resume is impressive.

Check out my past work:

Dr. Milan Reban and his wife, Winnie Hinson

A Shot at the Border’: The Harrowing Escapes and Joyful Life of Dr. Milan Reban

With co-author Michael Phillips, Ph.D., I have been honored with the Kenneth Hendrickson Best Article Award for “‘A Shot at the Border’: The Harrowing Escapes and Joyful Life of Dr. Milan Reban,” which appeared in the Sound Historian, Volume XXI in the fall of 2020. The award is presented by the Texas Oral History Association. Here is the article.

Andras Lacko in white coat

Holocaust survivor researches cancer in his ninth decade of life, and inspires everyone he meets (writing and storytelling)

Simple Cooking With Heart (editing)

sign saying Move the Batch

Garland neighborhood fights new polluting foe (newswriting and photography)

North Texas’s Black Art and Literature During the 1920s and 1930s” (academic editing, excerpts, from The Harlem Renaissance in the American West. Routledge, 2012.)

“Texan by Color” (academic editing, excerpts, from The Texas Right. Texas A&M Press, 2014.)

UNT Health helps empower seniors (video script writing)

researchers working together on laptop

Innovation and teamwork amplify the national fight against tuberculosis (writing and storytelling for brand amplification )

computer monitors and keyboards

What you should do as the Information Security Team works to protect data (message creation and writing for internal audience)

Kudos to Central Receiving for keeping research — and more — moving! (engagement and writing for internal audience)